Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Point the Email router server after Installing CRM 2011 server

Normally when we install CRM 2011 the setup will be asking for the Email Router at that time we could have just skipped the step... 
Later if you want to point your email router server from your application server means what we can do??
There is an option specified while we install the CRM itself it is told that we can install the email router later and we can configure the same while installing crm itself they have mentioned the way over there

Open the Active directory 
 In you domain Navigate to CRM 
 Right click on the PrivUserGroup and click on properties

 It will be opening a new window in that select members tab and click on Add

 Select the object type
 Enter your router server name
 Click ok...

 Now its  pointed :)

 Thanks to MR Kanaga Raj Pandian and Mr Akilan S !!

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